The Maths Department

Head of Department = Mr R Pomeroy


The mathematics department consists of eight committed and enthusiastic teachers. We are a well-resourced department with access to physical and online stimuli to promote mathematical thinking in each of our students. All teachers in the department have a shared vision which will allow all pupils to achieve their mathematical potential and engage in the study of mathematics.


All students are working towards the Maths 1-9 GCSE with the Edexcel exam board. In years 7, 8 and 9 students will have time to study the curriculum in depth over three years, where there is also plenty of opportunity to complete problem solving and functional skills tasks. In years 10 and 11 students will build on what they have learnt in previous years but in more detail and increasing difficulty with a focus on problem solving and exams.

For curriculum guides for Maths, please visit Curriculum Guides



Students are assessed based on skills and application during lessons and given specific feedback regularly to allow them to excel independently. Students in years 7-9 will be assessed against the rubric ‘I can’ statements for their progress range. Students in years 10 and 11 will be assessed on the number grade 1-9 system, against their target grade range. Students will be assessed using exam style questions, topic tests and GCSE exam papers (in years 10 and 11).


In Year 7,8 and 9 students will be expected to alternate between a written homework on one week and then an online homework the next week.. In years 10 & 11 an online activity will be a task set on Hegarty Maths (via their individual login details) which will give them access to video tutorials with interactive questions and worksheets that can be downloaded for further practice.

If required, Hegarty Maths can be accessed in school in the break home learning club.

Afterschool Sessions

Year 11 revision sessions are held on Tuesday evenings until 4pm, and attendance is expected by all year 11 students.

Enrichment Opportunities

The department enters pupils into the UK Mathematics Trust (UKMT) Challenge at all age groups. Our most able mathematicians are entered for the Challenge at the Junior (Years 7-8) and Intermediate (Years 9-11) levels. In 2021 we entered the Senior Maths Challenge for the first time and had numerous students receive awards.

On a Wednesday evenings after school we run a competitions and challenges club for all year groups to enjoy, this is helped by the Maths student leaders.

Stamford Park Trust