In Year Admissions

Longdendale High School co-ordinates its own in-year school admissions.

Please note that the arrangements apply to routine in-year transfer applications only.

Tameside Local Authority are continuing to co-ordinate our main Primary to Secondary Year 6 to Year 7 applications.

Published Admission Numbers

The Published Admission Numbers for Longdendale High School are:

Year 7        180

Year 8        180

Year 9        180

Year 10      180

Year 11      180

Total PAN    900

The Application Process

Once you have submitted your In-Year application form you will be sent an automated response confirming that your application has been received.

Upon receipt of your In-Year application the Admissions Committee will endeavour to notify parents/carers (in writing) within 10 school days of the outcome of their application. All parents/carers must be notified (in writing) within 15 school days.

Where an application is refused, parents/carers will be informed of the reason for the refusal of a place and provided with information about the right to appeal.

Where an offer of a place is made parents/carers will be notified of this (in writing) and provided with details of a named person to contact to make an appointment for an admission meeting.

Even though we are conducting our own in-year admissions we will continue to work closely with Tameside Local Authority in ensuring that they remain fully informed of each application we receive and its outcome.

For applications received directly to school we will provide the Local Authority with details of place availability within two school days of any request received.
All in-year applications MUST be made directly to the school and not via the Tameside portal.

All in-year applications received will be considered and processed in the order they are received (e.g. date order).

The Admissions Committee reserves the right to give special consideration to twins, triplets or multiple birth siblings in the event that an application is received. For example - if there is one place available in a particular Year Group and an application is received from a parent/carer who has twins, triplets etc. the school will go above its Published Admission Number (PAN) to prevent breaking the sibling link.

Waiting Lists

The school does not currently operate any waiting lists for in-year applications.


Parents/carers, who wish to appeal against the decision of the Admissions Committee to refuse admission to Longdendale High School should do so in writing, setting out clearly why your child should go to Longdendale High School. Information regarding appeals will be sent out with the letter of refusal and can also be found on the School Admissions webpage

Contact Person

If you have any questions regarding our in-year admissions process please contact us here.