
Head of Department: Mr R Marsh


The music department consists of two specialist music teachers, one full time and one part time and two part time peripatetic music teachers who provide a wide selection of instrument lessons including brass, woodwind, guitar, bass, piano, keyboard and drums. 

The music department has been beautifully refurbished. There are two main teaching rooms which are fully equipped with a wide variety of instruments, four practice rooms and a recording studio.

The music team provide quality provision for all. Our vision to develop and nurture our student’s musical skills. We believe every student should have the opportunity to opt for music in upper school and we have a thriving department with consistently outstanding results.


Students in years 7, 8 and 9 are prepared with the skills necessary to select a music pathway. We provide OCR GCSE and BTEC Music and we encourage our students to enter external examinations provided by ABRSM or Rock School. Having now expanded our ICT resources we provide music technology using Garageband and we also train students to notate their music scores professionally using “Sibelius” The performance component at Longdendale is particularly strong and we are proud to celebrate our students achievements and welcome the opportunities to perform in both school and the local community.

For curriculum guides for Music, please visit Curriculum Guides

Learning Journey


Students are assessed using the number grades 9-1 in music. We have a colour- coded system, which links across the subject and allows staff to colour code materials of different levels of difficulty. Our students are assessed on their practical abilities and listening and composition skills. Assessments are compelted every half term.

In year 11 there are external exams for both the GCSE and BTEC pathways which are the externally assessed and students are challenged with additional units of work which require them to perform, compose or create their own music.


The music department embraces homework and also eLearning. We encourage students from year 7 to provide works of pride which may be emailed to the whole class, once the checked power point or video has been created.

This sharing of musical knowledge allows our students to be able to devote more time to practical music making in school and still have the opportunity to broaden their general musical knowledge at home. The music department creates specialist videos which train our students for their external exams. We also embrace MS Teams for students who may be in hospital or unable to attend their music lesson.

We believe that by accessing an excellent programme of homework, our students are able to strive for the highest grades and excel in this subject.

Afterschool Sessions

The afterschool sessions provide our students with the ability to form mini bands, rehearse after school, attend composition clubs and use the facilities and computers to carry out catch-up. The music department provides one to one support and coaching for the Longdendale bands. We also provide revision sessions to ensure our students are thoroughly prepared for their external examinations.

Enrichment Opportunities

There are a wide range of music enrichment at Longdendale and we have a daily programme of activities. Our students are often invited to perform at special events both in school and in the local community. Music enrichment varies from term to term depending on the projects held in school. We are fortunate to have a vocal coach who provides group training to our school choir. We have brass groups, several mini bands and acapella groups. Music is a key subject to provide performances for special occasions at various venues across the borough.