
Report bullying now
  • Speak to a member of staff at school
  • Speak to an anti-bullying ambassador in your year group
  • Click the Safe Watch button to report online

The information you share will then be sent confidentially to a member of staff in-school who has been trained fully to help support you and try to resolve what has been happening, so as you feel safe and happy once more.

We're Committed to providing a Safe Environment at school.

At Longdendale High School, bullying incidents are rare. As reported by Ofsted in 2023:

“Pupils who spoke with inspectors reported that they feel safe and happy in school. They are confident that leaders and staff will listen to their concerns. Staff deal well with incidents of bullying.”

Taking a Stand Against Bullying

Reporting bullying takes courage, but it is essential. Bullying can only continue if it is not reported. Some students worry that reporting will make things worse, but this is not true.

At Longdendale, we listen. We treat all reports seriously and confidentially, ensuring no one will know who reported the issue. We will keep you informed and include you in discussions about the next steps. Stopping bullying benefits everyone in our community.

How to Report Bullying
  • Tell Someone: Start by telling your parents or carers, who can support you in informing the school.
  • Inform School Staff: Speak to your Form Tutor, any class teacher, Aspire Centre staff, or any school adult.
  • Anti-Bullying Ambassadors: If you cannot speak to an adult, talk to our trained student Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.
  • Online Reporting: If you prefer, report bullying online via Safewatch. Email:
Cyberbullying Outside of School
  • Report: Tell your family and report it to the school. Use social media platforms' report abuse buttons. Most networks and gaming consoles offer anonymous reporting.
  • Block: Use social media settings to block the bully, preventing them from contacting you.
  • Save Evidence: Keep records of any bullying, such as texts or conversations.
  • Do Not Respond: Avoid replying to bullies. Blocking and reporting is more effective.
  • Stay Positive: Remember, you are in control.
Resources for Students and Families

Childline: 0800 1111,
Anti-Bullying Alliance:
Off the Record: 0161 355 3553
Branching Out: 0161 342 7605
The Mix:
Parent Zone:
Internet Matters:

Advice for Families

Young people may hesitate to report bullying. Here’s how you can help:

  • Stay Calm: Thank your child for speaking up and listen without judgement.
  • Support: Discuss actions you can take together. Contact the school and arrange a meeting with the form tutor.
  • Monitor Online Activity: Encourage safe internet use and report any concerns to the school.
Our Beliefs
  • Core Values: Our ethos is based on our core values.
  • Rights: Everyone has the right to feel safe and included.
  • Respect: All members of our community should treat each other with respect and avoid discriminatory language.
  • Support: We support both those who are bullied and their families. We also support those who bully to reflect on their behaviour and make positive changes.
Definition of Bullying
  • Verbal Bullying: Repeated negative use of speech to hurt others.
  • Indirect Bullying: Non-physical actions intended to hurt, like spreading rumours or cyberbullying.
  • Physical Bullying: Repeated negative use of body contact to hurt others.
  • Cyberbullying: Repeated negative use of technology to hurt others.
Message to Students

Reporting bullying is crucial. At Longdendale, we listen, act, and support you confidentially. Together, we can stop bullying and create a safe and happy environment for everyone.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

We are excited to welcome you to our Anti-Bullying Ambassador section of the website.

Who We Are

We are a dedicated team of students from Years 9, 10, and 11, here to support any student facing friendship issues or bullying. Our goal is to help resolve conflicts before they escalate and make students unhappy. You can easily recognise us by our Anti-Bullying Ambassador badges.

What We Do
  • Support and Listen: We are always available to talk. If you’re having a tough time with friends or feel like you’re being bullied, we’re here to listen and help.
  • Early Intervention: We work closely with Mrs Gage to ensure that any issues are addressed as soon as possible.
  • Promote a Safe Environment: Our ongoing efforts aim to make our school an even safer place for everyone.
Our Definition of Bullying

We define bullying as any behaviour that is deliberate, repeated over time, and makes someone feel upset, uncomfortable, and unsafe. This can include:

  • Verbal Bullying: Hurtful words, discriminatory or offensive language.
  • Indirect Bullying: Spreading rumours, excluding someone on purpose, damaging or stealing property.
  • Cyberbullying: Hurtful messages or posts online, sharing private information without consent.
  • Physical Bullying: Hitting, kicking, inappropriate touching.

Our definition aligns with the Anti-Bullying Alliance.

Our Mission

We aim to reduce conflicts and bullying incidents further. We look forward to sharing our experiences and ensuring a safe, bully-free environment for all students.

Our Training

We received training in July 2019 at the Anti-Bullying event in Manchester, hosted by the Princess Diana Team and linked to the Anti-Bullying Alliance initiative.

We are committed to making Longdendale High School a place where bullying is not accepted or tolerated. If you need support, please reach out to any of our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.



Anti-Bullying Job Description

Anti-Bullying Websites


The Anti-bullying Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individuals working together to stop bullying and create safe environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn.

CyberMentors is all about young people helping and supporting each other online.