Rewards and Sanctions
The School Rules
Our staff are warm, welcoming, and friendly. They are passionate about working with young people, especially those who are most vulnerable, and are genuinely dedicated to enhancing the life opportunities of all children. Every routine we establish is designed with the most vulnerable children in mind. We practice these routines consistently and always explain our actions and their purpose.
While we hold exceptionally high expectations for all students, we also require full commitment from the families who choose Longdendale for their child. By accepting a place at our school, you agree to adhere to our policies, ethos, and procedures, and to support the school for your child’s benefit. This collaboration ensures that all children can succeed.
To provide clarity to staff, students, and parents we have six basic school rules that we expect students to follow at all times;
Treat all others with respect
Be prepared for learning with the Longdendale 7
Wear the full and correct uniform
No mobile phones to be seen or heard whilst on school premises
Be punctual to school and lessons
No eating or drinking in the classrooms or on the corridors
Rewards and Celebration
At Longdendale High School, we acknowledge students when they positively display our values. These are acknowledged regularly in the form of Legacy points which are issued electronically by teaching and support staff. There are weekly, half-termly and termly awards for individuals, forms and year groups.
Behaviour and Culture
As represented by our core values it is important to us that our students make a positive contribution to their communities. By asking our students to follow some accepted behaviour norms of respect, we will ensure they are helping us develop a community based on mutual consideration and appreciation.
For the avoidance of doubt, all students are ambassadors for our school when travelling to and from school and when out and about in the local community. Our expectations and sanctions therefore apply to students behaviours during these times. More information relating to this can be found in our Behaviour Policy.
Standards Cards
These are small cards which students must always carry in their blazer pocket. They are used to monitor the number of Verbal Warnings (VW) and act as an explicit method of issuing a memorable warning to students to support the avoidance of further poor behaviour. Therefore, a student must hand the card to any member of staff on request and failure to do so will result in a SLT detention being issued to the student. If a student loses, defaces or fills up their standard card, replacement cards will be issued to them by their class teachers, however an SLT detention will also be issued.
‘Out of Classroom Behaviour’
We expect our students to always demonstrate our values, not just during lessons and electives. Therefore, if a student fails to meet these expectations, detention will be issued.
Some examples of behaviours which will lead to a detention are below, although this list is not exhaustive.
Talking during a lesson
Rudeness or Aggression
Talking during reset
Arriving late to the reset line
Failing to have all of the ‘Longdendale 7’ Items
Eating in a classroom or corridor
Graffiting equipment
Boisterous behaviour
Ignoring reasonable instructions
Detentions may last 15 minutes, 60 minutes or 90 minutes. They will take place at lunch time, during period 6 on a Wednesday or after school for the Headteacher’s detention. Students will be informed of the duration and location of the detentions by the teacher who has witnessed the incident or who has investigated it. Students who are removed from lessons will be issued a detention removal. This means they are removed from lessons and social time for 5 consecutive periods and instead work in the Reset Room.
Behaviour at transition and social times
Students are expected to demonstrate our core values at all times and this includes during their social times. Students who act inappropriately or unsafely will therefore be issued with an appropriate sanction. This will predominantly be their standards card being signed. More serious incidents will be investigated by the students Head of Year or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.