National Careers Week

08 Mar 24

This week has been National Careers Week – a one-week celebration of careers guidance in schools.

All departments have tailored their lessons to show students where the subjects they study at school can take them in the future. Students have explored the skills, roles, pathways and technical routes available in each subject using ‘My Learning, My Future’ resources from the Careers & Enterprise Company.

Every teacher in school has shown their own careers journey to students by placing a poster on their doors. This has led to some great discussion, with students entering classes showing interest and asking questions about their teacher’s education and journey to their current role. It has been really interesting to see the different routes into teaching our staff have taken and how for some their first career idea never changed, where for others it changed quite a lot!

Students have been challenged to a quiz about teachers previous roles and qualifications and terminology linked to careers and higher education with chocolate / voucher prizes for the winners to be announced shortly.

In PSHE this week, Year 7 have completed postcards detailing their future aspirations - these will then be returned to them in Year 11. Year 8 have focused on learning about careers in government and parliament and Year 9 have focused on finance and the local economy.