Primary Maths Visit

14 Mar 24

Thank you to Year 5 from Hollingworth Primary School for joining us for a morning full of maths activities. Miss Woods, our teacher of maths met the children and introduced them to our Year 9 helpers, Marcelina, Isabelle and Angelina, as well as former Longdendale students Georgia and Keira who now study at Ashton Sixth Form College.

Our visitors were very quick to apply their maths knowledge whilst exploring axes on a giant chalk drawn graph. They accurately plotted data by placing themselves in the correct position on the graph using the x and y-axis, worked in teams to create shapes and discovered what happened when they all stood on a point where x = y.

Later on, the Year 5 students were given some money! They used their knowledge of percentages to work out the correct amount of money they needed to give the bank for their rent, bills, food, tax and travel, and they could then exchange their remaining money for activity vouchers such as meals out and holidays or choose to add the money to their savings.

It was a pleasure to have the younger students visit us here at Longdendale. Miss Woods was really impressed with the Year 5s mathematical ability and is really excited to hopefully see some of them again in a couple of years’ time!